MAKOKO ELECTRICAL (PTY) LTD is legally incorporated under the Act 69 of 1984 as amended. The Company registration number 2013/200953/07 domiciled in the Republic of South Africa. MAKOKO ELECTRICAL (PTY) LTD. Is 100% a black empowerment Company that aims to become a major role player in the development of the South Africa Economy. Our core services our House wiring, C.O.C Certificate, MV & LV Joints Fault Finding & Renovations, Mv & LV Construction & Maintenance, Cut-off & Reconnections And Metering.
- Provide quality services that will be coupled with good Customer Care.
- Building mutually beneficial and rewarding partnership between the director of the company and member of the company, employees of the company and most importantly on clients.
To be focused on the development, economic empowerment and create jobs within our communities.
Our goal is to provide the best-customized diverse services to our clients. We realise that quality service is the key to our business; we strive to earn your respect through an honest, fair and direct approach to your needs. By realizing our goals we will meet your needs now and in the future, MAKOKO ELECTRICAL (PTY) LTD offers availability whenever you need it.
18 Bosh Street,
Kempton Park Gauteng,
Makoko Simon
073 448 5629